Quality Policy

iLEARN – Innovative Learning (from now on denoted as iLEARN) is a business unit of iCONS – Innovative Consulting Srl, providing training, examination and consulting related services to both organizations and individuals. It is our policy that all we do will be of the highest quality and that our operations are performed with the highest integrity, to ensure customer satisfaction.

iLEARN is committed to ensuring that it maintains impartiality in its dealings with clients and candidates.

iLEARN uses continual improvement processes, monitoring all activities and introducing improvements wherever possible.


More information about Complaints, Appeals, Candidate Terms and Conditions, and Data Protection 


Complaints, Concerns and Appeals

iLEARN endeavours to provide the best possible service. However, should you feel the need to complain we take this very seriously and operate a complaints investigation and resolution process as outlined below.

Complaints, concerns, and appeals should be submitted to iLEARN in writing in the form of a letter, or email.  The contact details are available at this link.

We endeavour to acknowledge these within two working days of receipt - with investigations being completed within ten working days or, if a longer period is necessary, the complainant being informed of the expected timescale.

We make every effort to bring complaints to a satisfactory conclusion following initial investigation. However, should this not prove possible we have an internal escalation process to determine final closure. The escalation route depends on the nature of the complaint.

Furthermore, all complaints, concerns and appeals are reviewed regularly to identify improvements which can be made. Any complaints, concerns or appeals received are dealt with impartially in a non-discriminatory manner and will not affect a complainant’s standing with iLEARN.

What is an Appeal?

An Appeal is a formal procedure by which a registered candidate can appeal against an exam result or a decision on certification. In such situations the appellant is required to submit their appeal in writing.

Grounds for Appeal

There are three grounds on which a candidate may appeal:

1.    Personal or medical grounds
2.    Procedural grounds
3.    The decision was biased or discriminatory

All appeals must be made within 6 months of the certification decision being taken. Appellants must be able to provide clear evidence that the decision against which they are appealing meets at least one of the following criteria:

  • relevant information of mitigating circumstances received by stated deadlines had not been taken into consideration;
  • substantial procedural irregularity;
  • evidence to suggest that a decision may have been biased or discriminatory.

It is the responsibility of the appellant to provide iLEARN with clear evidence that one of the grounds listed above is valid.

Candidates considering an appeal should take note of the following:

  • Disagreement with the exam result for multiple choice papers does not give grounds for appeal.
  • Appeals will only be accepted on the grounds listed above and no other grounds will be considered.
  • When appealing on the grounds of circumstances relating to events prior to the examination or assessment, the Invigilator or assessor must have been informed in writing prior to the examination or assessment.
  • When appealing on the grounds of circumstances relating to events during the examination or assessment, the events must have been brought to the invigilator's or assessor’s attention before leaving the examination room or before the end of the assessment.   


Equality Policy

Candidates with access and/or support requirements

iLEARN makes every reasonable effort to ensure that candidates with access and/or support requirements can sit the examination within reasonable limits to ensure they have as equal a chance as any other well-prepared candidate to pass the examination. This means providing reasonable adjustments/accommodations where appropriate.

iLEARN believe that each candidate is different and that individuals will have differing access and/or support needs and as such we will make every effort to provide reasonable adjustments/accommodations suited to individual access or support requirements. Adjustments/accommodations vary in accordance with the underlying disability and involve possibilities as broad as the use of braille to extended time on the examination to varying arrangements for the actual testing.  Providing a list of all potential disabilities, adjustments or accommodations is not practical as each disability and related need for adjustment/accommodation is analysed based on the individual’s particular circumstances.  Individuals are encouraged to raise and discuss their situations as well as to suggest their own ideas for reasonable adjustments/accommodations

If a candidate is thinking of taking the examination and that candidate requires additional time or specific adjustments/accommodations, the candidate should contact iLEARN and discuss the situation directly.

Please note that where iLEARN uses a 3rd party venue/personnel for public examinations, iLEARN will need to liaise with the venue regarding possible adjustments/accommodations and so will not be able to commit to the request for adjustment/accommodation until confirmation has been received from the 3rd party.

No matter the testing context, iLEARN encourages an interactive discussion with a candidate who has a disability and needs a reasonable adjustment/accommodation.  Such candidates are encouraged to ask about such matters in advance to allow for planning and coordination of adjustments/accommodations.  However, where reasonable, a discussion regarding adjustments/accommodations can occur at any time, although some requests may not be able to be responded to if raised for the first time at the actual time of the examination.

As suggested above, adjustments/accommodations also apply to the venue or location of an examination.  If a candidate is aware of or concerned about potential access issues or there is a need for special examination logistics or procedures, the candidate should raise such concerns on a timely basis.

Local law will be applied regarding adjustments, accommodations and access issues as applicable law may vary in different countries.


Examination Candidate Terms and Conditions

Candidates entering any examination with iLEARN agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions contained herein.

       1. Candidate ID

Candidates are required to bring a means of photo identification to the exam centre or have it available for checking if sitting an exam via online proctoring, (any document that is considered valid for personal identification in the country from where the exam is sat). If proof of identification is not provided to the Trainer/Invigilator prior to the examination, iLEARN reserves the right to refuse the candidate to sit the exam.

       2. Code of behaviour from Candidates

Candidates must be present at least 30 minutes prior to the examination start time at a physical exam centre, or at their scheduled time for an online proctored exam. When attending the exam, candidates must ensure they are polite and courteous to other candidates and the Trainer/Invigilator/online proctor and abide by the exam terms and conditions.

iLEARN will award a digital badge and certificate as a Registered Practitioner to candidates who:

  1. have successfully achieved sufficient marks to pass the examination;
  2. agree to and respect the iLEARN terms of certification as detailed in these Terms and Conditions.

Certification does not allow the use of any trademark or logo associated with the certification scheme or associated products and schemes other than the use of any digital badge(s) issued to the candidate.

Digital badges and certificates will be issued electronically. No digital badges and/or certificates will be issued by iLEARN in paper form. The candidate must review and accept iLEARN’s Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy prior to claiming a digital badge or certificate. If the candidate does not accept these terms, it may not claim a digital badge or certificate. No refund or compensation of any kind will be given by iLEARN to candidates that choose not to benefit from this service for any reason. Access to, and use of, digital badges and/or certificates is subject to these Terms and Conditions.

Should the candidate misuse any certificate, digital badge, trademark or logo associated with any of the certification schemes appropriate action will be taken to resolve the case and prevent recurrence. Serious and/or continuous misuse will give rise to certificates being withdrawn and legal action being taken as appropriate.

If a candidate should breach any of the scheme regulations, they will be subject to their certified status being suspended or withdrawn.  If you are suspended, you will need to refrain from promoting yourself as certified for the duration of the suspension.  Should your certification be withdrawn, you will need to immediately cease to promote yourself as certified via all mediums. 

       3.  Inability to fulfil the certification requirements

If you find at any point that you are unable to fulfil the certification requirements as agreed in the Terms and Conditions, you are obliged to contact iLEARN without delay to notify us of this and discuss the continuation of your certification. 

       4.  Surveillance Monitoring

At a minimum of three, and a maximum of five years after initial certification, where applicable, Registered Practitioners are required to sit and pass the Re-registration examination in order to retain certification as a Registered Practitioner.

       5.  Special Allowances

iLEARN has a Disability Policy, which is available on the website at www.innovativelearning.eu. The Disability Policy explains the arrangements in place to provide assistance to candidates for equal access to all.

       6.  Complaints

iLEARN requires all Registered Practitioners to keep a record of complaints made against them within the scope of their certificate of competence.  Such complaints are to be notified to iLEARN.  The record of complaints will be subject to audit at the time of Re-Registration Examination.  Such complaints about a Registered Practitioner if received by iLEARN in the absence of notification by the Registered Practitioner concerned may result in suspension or withdrawal of certification.  If candidates wish to make a complaint against iLEARN there is a formal complaints process on the website which is available at www.innovativelearning.eu.

       7.  Appeals

iLEARN operates a formal appeals process which is available on the website at www.innovativelarning.eu.

       8.  Retention of information

iLEARN will retain completed candidate details paper forms for a period of 6 months after the date of the examination, after which the information will be securely destroyed. In the event of a dispute the information held by iLEARN on their records will be accepted as correct.  Electronic copies of candidate information will be held for the lifetime of the qualification scheme to provide verification of results upon request, in accordance with the data protection statement outlined below.  Paper examination answer scripts will be securely destroyed 6 months after the date of the examination. 

       9.  Use of Information

By applying to sit an examination with iLEARN, the candidate agrees that they shall not retain, copy or release any confidential information provided to them by iLEARN in the test taking process, whether paper or online based, specifically examination paper materials, nor participate in any fraudulent test taking practices, included but not limited to sharing information with other candidates or attempting to take the test on behalf of another person.

       10.  Data Protection Statement

iLEARN complies with the General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/619) (EU GDPR). iLEARN will process any personal data you provide in accordance with any applicable data protection laws and the iLEARN Privacy Policy which is available at www.innovativelearning.eu.

Under the rules of our ISO 9001 accreditation, iLEARN isobliged to hold a list of the candidate number, date of exam and candidate name for all successful candidates. If a candidate passes the examination, then this information will be added to our website if so authorised by the candidate in the Candidate Details Form or online via the candidate portal. Other than this stated use, all personal data provided by the candidate and details of examination scores will be held in confidence by iLEARN and will only be used to provide the required services to the candidate, to report to the applicable Scheme Owner, and to develop and improve iLEARN’s accredited training and examination processes in accordance with the iLEARN Privacy Policy. The date of examination, name and candidate number of successful candidates will be posted on the iLEARN website in the form of a Successful Candidate Register.

On completing the Candidate Details Form, candidates are required to indicate their wish to be included on a Successful Candidate Register. Where candidates have chosen not to appear on the Successful Candidate Register in the Consent section, iLEARN will only divulge exam results to the relevant organization who ran the associated training (if applicable) and will not enter candidate results on the Successful Candidate Register. By ticking “yes” the Candidate gives iLEARN permission to enter the candidate details (i.e. name) on the public website, and to inform any third party of whether the candidate has passed the exam. If the candidate’s preference changes at a later date, written confirmation must be received by iLEARN with a copy of the examination certificate giving iLEARN permission to change the preference. The preference can be also changed from Candidate Portal at any time.

iLEARN will not be held liable should the website or any Successful Candidate Register be incomplete. Candidates should contact iLEARN in the first instance should they believe any records are incomplete. Release of examination results, by a training organisation, to a candidate’s employer is a matter for agreement between the candidate and the training organisation concerned. iLEARN will invite all successful candidates who have sat the examination to complete an online questionnaire to help us improve our services. This may be blocking to release results to candidate

       11.  Certification Process Overview

iLEARN will deliver the certification process for your examination in accordance with ISO 17024:2012. Should you require any further details please do not hesitate to contact us.

       12.  Ethics

iLEARN adheres to good governance standards and works ethically, representing the interests of all our stakeholders.

       13.  Confirmation

By confirming that I have read and accept these Terms and Conditions, I confirm that I understand and agree that in the event of my non-compliance with any of the exam regulations, my exam result will become void and my exam fee will NOT be refunded. Furthermore, in the event of my non-compliance with any of the exam regulations, I hereby agree that details relating to my identity and the reasons for my non-compliance with the relevant exam regulations can be disclosed to iLEARN’s partners where the examination in question has been ordered through them.


Legal Disclaimer

iCONS – Innovative Consulting Srl is a company registered in Italy.

iLEARN – Innovative Learning is a business unit and trading name of iCONS – Innovative Consulting Srl.

Company Registration Number - 03334560962
VAT Number – IT03334560962

Our web site has been designed to provide general information about iLEARN, its associate companies and its business.

Information contained on the web site may be used for non-commercial purposes only. Permission to use any of the information for commercial purposes may be granted through the webmaster.

All information is correct at the time of publishing. iLEARN shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages whether in contract, tort or otherwise, arising out of the use of this web site or the reliance on information in it.

It is a condition of allowing you free access to the material on this web site that you accept that we will not be liable for any action that you may take in reliance on the information.

If you use the links in this web site to access other web sites, please be aware that the linked sites may not be under iLEARN's control and iLEARN is not responsible for and does not endorse their contents.

Products and services referenced in this web site are either trademarks or registered trademarks of iLEARN or authorized to be used in it. Other product and company names may be the trademarks of their respective owners. If any images or information appearing on this site is copyrighted please inform the webmaster and we will be pleased to credit the relevant parties.

iLEARN assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable for any damage to, or viruses that may infect, your computer equipment or other property via your access to, use of or browsing in the web site or downloading of material, data, text or images.

Any communications or material you transmit to the web site by electronic mail or otherwise will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary.

If you have any queries please Contact Us.



Copyright & Trademark Acknowledgement Statements

iLEARN portfolio


  • ScrumLearn® is a registered trademark of iCONS – Innovative Consulting Srl. All rights reserved.
  • AgileLearn® is a registered trademark of of iCONS – Innovative Consulting Srl. All rights reserved.
  • KanbanLearn® is a registered trademark of of iCONS – Innovative Consulting Srl. All rights reserved.