EXIN Cyber and IT Security Courses

EXIN Cyber and IT Security certification courses provided by iLEARN

Availability and prices of EXIN Cyber and IT Security courses

EXIN Cyber and IT Security exam

In this showcase you will find a selection of training courses and exams in EXIN Cyber and IT Security context. 
If you do not see the course or exam you want, please contact us.

iLEARN is an AEO (Approved Examination Organization) of Exin for Cyber and IT Security exams
Exin Cyber And It Security Small

For an online verification of accreditations, do a research with iCONS - Innovative Consulting S.r.l. of which iLEARN is a business unit.


Security in IT is not only becoming more important but also more sophisticated. In light of this, organizations are dedicating roles to the safeguarding of their data and systems. The EXIN Cyber and IT Security program is geared towards providing candidates with the required knowledge to understand the technical side of information security. It covers the theoretical background, detailed information about security infrastructure and goes into the vulnerabilities, risks, and required measures.

Skilled experts and new approaches are required to stay ahead of the threats. With a shortage of skilled Cyber and IT Security experts, organizations will do well to educate their IT staff. This certification provides candidates with the knowledge that is necessary to understand all aspects that are relevant to the technical side of information security. It forms the foundation for any further specialization in technical information security.
Cybercrime is predicted to cost the world $6 trillion annually by 2021, according to recent research. Those with bad intentions have the tools, time and methods available to keep launching cyber-attacks at organizations, governments and consumers worldwide. And while there is a shortage of skilled technical security experts, corporate regulators and investors want a better view into an organization’s cyber risk. Companies should implement governance and formalize securing their data, focusing on defence systems and monitoring.

  • Vendor neutral and independent certification
  • For both technical and management staff
  • Recertification is not required
  • For both small and large companies
  • Be up to date in your defence mechanisms
  • Ensures that necessary up-to-date skills and knowledge are embedded in your organization
  • Learn to apply security components and keep your organization secured
  • Communicate with technical, consultancy and management staff
  • Get certified in high demand domain

EXIN Cyber and IT Security Foundation
The EXIN Cyber and IT Security Foundation certification builds IT professionals’ knowledge and understanding of the technical background surrounding digital security. It enables candidates to explain, understand and describe key concepts in Cyber and IT Security.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, all prices on the website are excluding VAT. However, remember that VAT is always not applicable in the following cases:

billing to a non EU company or citizen billing to a non Italian EU company with a valid VIES VAT id

You can check the VAT id on VIES portal at this link: https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/

The website implements this rules automatically. However, you or your organization could be exempted by VAT application for other legal reason. In such a case contact us (info@innovativelearning.eu) so that we can analyze and confirm your case. If so, please don't submit subscriptions using the website: your request will be handled through manual order handling processing.

With the purchase of e-learning packages with 30 days and 1 year of duration, exam doesn’t have to be necessarily taken within the closing date of the account on the e-learning platform. The validity of the exam voucher code is 12 months starting from the issue date.

During the purchase process it is possible to register data and details of each participant. 

The activation date of the package can be selected during the purchase process on our website. The days of access to the course, indicated in the title of the product, will be calculated starting from the selected date. Payment must be completed before the activation date.

30 days or 1 year are to be considered as the period, so the days, during which it is possible to access the purchased training courses on our e-learning platform. These periods start on the activation date selected during the purchase process on our webiste. The activation date can be chosen and selected within 30 days from the purchase date. If you need more flexibility, do not hesitate to contact us.  

Exam voucher code is usually issued at the activation of the e-learning course, anyway it can also be issued at the end of the e-learning course of sent after 24/48 hours from the order date. In case of purchase for exam only, exam voucher code is issued at purchase confirmation, always after the receipt of payment.