iLEARN offers several online free courses with and without exam available in different languages, for Project Management and IT Service Management areas.

Here below you will find the available courses:

Scrum free courses

iLEARN also offers the free, basic level ScrumLearn® Scrum Awareness Certified exam.
Thanks to the exam, you will discover if you own a basic understanding of the Agile field, specifically of the Scrum framework and if you are ready to proceed with your Scrum certification journey, according to your level of knowledge.

Agile free courses

Kanban free courses

ITIL free courses

  • ITIL® v3 Intermediate - in English
    • ITIL® v3 Service Lifecycle: SD – ST – SO – SS – CSI
    • ITIL® v3 Service Capability: OSA – SOA – RCV – PPO
    • ITIL® v3 Practitioner
    • ITIL® v3 MALC

Project Management free courses

Business Continuity Management free courses

Other online free courses

  • VeriSMTM Foundation - in English
  • Enterprise Big Data Professional (EBDP) - in English
  • Legacy Business Relationship Management Professional (BRMP®) - in English

For ScrumLearn, AgileLearn, KanbanLearn and VeriSM courses, iLEARN also ofers the possibility to obtain, in addition to the free course, the relevant exam at a special price.

Moreover, by selecting a ScrumLearn® or KanbanLearn® free package, you will also get 1 year of free access to EasyBoards®, one of the best enterprise software tools for the kanban management or Scrum team integrated in our training offer for free.

How can I obtain a free course?

You will have the chance to obtain one of the courses listed above with 30 days access by purchasing a course or online exam package for any certification available on iLEARN website. Once you have chosen the package to purchase, you will be able to select the free course associated by choosing one from the list "Promo - Add for free an iLEARN course".

If you request the course only without exam for free, you will still be able to request the certification exam at the granted special price, at a later date!

When can I have access to the free course?

During the purchase you will be able to select the activation date for the free course selected. If you do not know when to activate the course yet, you can activate it within 30 days from purchase date, accessing your Reserved Area.

The free course can be activated for a colleague or a friend, instead of you!