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Requirements Engineering Courses

Requirements Engineering certification training courses and exams in Business Analysis certification area

Summary of Topics

Availability and prices of Requirements Engineering courses

Requirements Engineering online courses (e-learning)

In this showcase you will find a selection of training courses and exams concerning Requirements Engineering area and Requirements Engineering certifications.
If you do not see a specific Requirements Engineering course or Requirements Engineering exam, please contact us.

Requirements Engineering online exams

In this showcase you will be able to purchase Requirements Engineering exam voucher only to take the online exams on EXIN portal, in complete autonomy, 24 hours a day.

iLEARN is an ATO (Accredited Training Organization) and AEO (Approved Examination Organization) of EXIN for Business Analysis courses and exams
EXIN Badge ModuleRequirementsEngineering BCS BA Small

For an online verification of accreditations, do a research with iCONS - Innovative Consulting S.r.l. of which iLEARN is a business unit.


What Is Requirements Engineering?

Requirements engineering is a discipline of software engineering that deals with gathering, analyzing, documenting, and managing the requirements of a software system to ensure it meets the needs of users and stakeholders. The main activities include elicitation, analysis, specification, validation, and management of requirements.

The EXIN BCS Requirements Engineering certification targets individuals seeking to enhance their expertise in comprehending and implementing elicitation, analysis, and management of requirements. As the conventional business analyst position evolves and expands into diverse domains, the demand for Requirements Engineering proficiency extends beyond its traditional boundaries, becoming essential across various roles and teams within the broader business landscape.
The EXIN BCS Requirements Engineering certification is part of the EXIN BCS Business Analysis qualification program.


What is Requirements Engineering training useful for?

The EXIN BCS Practitioner Certification in Requirements Engineering training is designed to prioritize the development of essential business analysis skills over the adherence to a specific job title like business analyst. This approach ensures that learners focus on honing competencies crucial for aligning with business objectives and delivering solutions tailored to specific needs.


How to achieve Requirements Engineering certification?

The Requirements Engineering Practitioner certification is automatically achieved after passing the EXIN BCS Practitioner Certification in Requirements Engineering exam, a video or live proctored experience. Read more information about the exam experience with EXIN.

It is possible to purchase the voucher to attempt the examination from this website, by following the dedicated links above.


How to prepare for Requirements Engineering examination?

Candidates can prepare for EXIN BCS Practitioner Certification in Requirements Engineering exam in different ways, thanks to iLEARN training packages. In order to pass this examination, a training course is not mandatory but is strongly recommended.

iLEARN offers Requirements Engineering training courses is several delivery options:

  • Classroom courses
    • on pre-scheduled dates: traditional classroom training at iLEARN premises
    • in-house: traditional classroom training scheduled based on client needs and at customer's or iLEARN premises
  • Distant (virtual) courses: following a remote classroom by means of a web-conference
  • eLearning/self-paced learning: training provided through our online learning management system from anywhere and at any time


Earn PDUs with Requirements Engineering courses

Our EXIN BCS Practitioner Certification in Requirements Engineering training course can provide 17 Professional Development Units (PDUs) for holders of PMI certifications who need credits for their maintenance.

Here below you can find more details about the PDUs allocation for the Requirements Engineering Practitioner course:

  • Ways of Working (Technical): 15
  • Power Skills (Leadership): 1
  • Business Acumen (Strategic): 1

Please note that, in order to auto-declare PDUs attending this course provided by iLEARN, the purchase of the attendance confirmation (attendance certificate) in electronic format (pdf) is mandatory. Select the option to add the attendance confirmation at the moment of purchase and proceed to checkout. The PDUs are earned by following the course even if the certification exam is not successful.

Visit this page for more information about PDUs and how to claim them to maintain your PMI qualifications.


Details about Requirements Engineering courses


After completing the certification, candidates will show they can:

  • Work with stakeholders to make sure requirements match business goals
  • Gather various types of requirements and write down what's needed
  • Study and confirm requirements
  • Guarantee and handle requirement quality and any changes

Who it is aimed at

This certificate is for those who want to understand how business, customer needs, and requirements work together in professional settings. It's useful for business analysts, project managers, systems analysts, product owners, product managers, and anyone involved in business changes or projects. 


  • Introduction to Requirements Engineering
  • Hierarchy of Requirements
  • Stakeholders in the Requirements
  • Requirements Elicitation
  • Use of Models in Requirements Engineering
  • Requirements Documentation
  • Requirements Analysis
  • Requirements Validation
  • Requirements Management


There are no pre-requisites for this certification.


  • Classroom/distant live course duration: 3 days
  • Online course (e-learning/self-paced) durations:
    • 30 days access to the platform 
    • 1 year accesso to the platform

Our e-learning platform is optimized for access via web browsers, including mobile!



Courses languages


Teacher language


Material course language


Exam type



EXIN BCS Practitioner Certificate in Requirements Engineering official certificate

Certificate type


Exam language


Exam format

  • Closed book
  • 60 minutes duration
  • Multiple-choice examination
  • Pass mark is 25/40 (62.5%)
Frequently Asked Questions

No, all prices on the website are excluding VAT. However, remember that VAT is always not applicable in the following cases:

billing to a non EU company or citizen billing to a non Italian EU company with a valid VIES VAT id

You can check the VAT id on VIES portal at this link: https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/

The website implements this rules automatically. However, you or your organization could be exempted by VAT application for other legal reason. In such a case contact us (info@innovativelearning.eu) so that we can analyze and confirm your case. If so, please don't submit subscriptions using the website: your request will be handled through manual order handling processing.

With the purchase of e-learning packages with 30 days and 1 year of duration, exam doesn’t have to be necessarily taken within the closing date of the account on the e-learning platform. The validity of the exam voucher code is 12 months starting from the issue date.

During the purchase process it is possible to register data and details of each participant. 

The activation date of the package can be selected during the purchase process on our website. The days of access to the course, indicated in the title of the product, will be calculated starting from the selected date. Payment must be completed before the activation date.

30 days or 1 year are to be considered as the period, so the days, during which it is possible to access the purchased training courses on our e-learning platform. These periods start on the activation date selected during the purchase process on our webiste. The activation date can be chosen and selected within 30 days from the purchase date. If you need more flexibility, do not hesitate to contact us.  


Exam voucher code is usually issued at the activation of the e-learning course, anyway it can also be issued at the end of the e-learning course of sent after 24/48 hours from the order date. In case of purchase for exam only, exam voucher code is issued at purchase confirmation, always after the receipt of payment.