EXIN Exam Vouchers are redeemable for an EXIN Anywhere examination, which can be taken online for certification purposes. This allows you to take your exam at a location and time that is convenient for you, whether it be at home, in a meeting room at your workplace, or any other area where you feel comfortable. All you need is an internet connection, a laptop that meets the requirements, and no other individuals in the room with you.   




Detailed information and procedures for taking online certification exams with EXIN



Prior to scheduling your exam, it is important to confirm that your computer setup meets the EXIN Anywhere specifications. EXIN will verify if your webcam, microphone, and internet connection meet the necessary standards for taking an EXIN Anywhere exam. To guarantee that your computer is suitable for the exam, take the configuration test. The following links will direct you to the computer testing resources:


With EXIN Anywhere, you have the option to select between video or live proctoring during your exam. If you choose video proctoring, a recording will be created to assess your exam performance objectively after its completion. On the other hand, with live proctoring, an individual will supervise you in real-time while you take the exam.



Phase 1 - Exam purchase
The exam can be purchased on this site. Upon successful completion, you will receive a voucher code via email that you will need to be able to take the exam.

Phase 2 - Redeeming your voucher code
You can redeem your EXIN Voucher in two different ways:

  • A) On EXIN website – if this is your first exam with EXIN
  • B) On EXIN Candidate Portal – if you already have taken an EXIN exam before

A) On EXIN website – If you do not have an EXIN account
When this is your first exam with EXIN and you do not have an account yet, firstly go to EXIN and click on the button Book my exam.

If you don't have a voucher code, please follow these steps:

  • Choose the level
  • Choose the program (not mandatory)
  • Choose the certification
  • Chosse the language
  • Choose Exam only as certification method
  • Select your country of residence
  • Select EXIN Anywhere
  • Click Book exam now at the bottom of the page

You should be to the next steps:

  • Complete the form “Your details” with your data
  • Fill in the section Voucher or discount code with the exam voucher code provided
  • Choose the Exam method (LIVE Monitored or VIDEO Recorded)
  • Complete the form "Device check"
  • Agree to the terms and conditions and declaration and read the privacy statement
  • Click Confirm & Pay online to confirm your order and receive your invitation to take the exam

Whereas if you have a voucher code, please click on I have an EXIN Anywhere Voucher and follow these steps:

  • Fill in the form “Your details” with your data
  • Fill in the section Voucher or discount code with the exam voucher code provided and click on Continue
  • Complete your account with your data
  • Fill in the voucher code you have
  • Choose the following exam method: EXIN Anywhere - Book exam time slot with live online proctor and then complete the form
  • Chek your device
  • Choose the date and time for your exam
  • Agree to the terms and conditions and Redeem your voucher or Pay online in order to receive your invitation to take the exam

B) On EXIN Candidate Portal – If you have already taken an exam with EXIN
If you have already taken an exam with EXIN in the past, you can order via EXIN Candidate Portal.
You were provided access, via email, to your personal Candidate Portal after completing your previous EXIN exam.

In your Candidate Portal:

  • Click on Services
  • Click on Order an Exam via EXIN Anywhere
  • If you have a Voucher code, fill it in
  • N.B.: Choose the exam method “EXIN Anywhere - Book exam time slot with live online proctor" and complete the form

Click on Continue and go to the next steps:

  • Choose the date and time for your exam
  • Agree to the terms and conditions, declarations and read the privacy statement
  • Click on Redeem Voucher or Pay online at the bottom of the page to finalize your exam order and receive an invitation email for your exam

Phase 3 – Register for the exam
You will receive a confirmation email of your exam order within minutes after you have redeemed your voucher.

Video Recorded EXIN Anywhere exam
Upon ordering your exam, a confirmation email will be sent to you containing a link to initiate the examination process, as well as a unique code required to access the exam environment. It is important to note that this code is distinct from your original voucher code.
You will have a period of three weeks to complete the exam, during which you can choose to take it at any time without scheduling. After this period, the link and access code to the secure exam will expire.

Live Proctored EXIN Anywhere exam
After placing your exam order, a confirmation email will be sent to you containing a link and login information for Examity, the Live Proctored examination platform.
To begin, you must log in and complete your profile by uploading a photo of your ID, entering your time zone, and providing a phone number where the supervisor can contact you in case of any issues. Once your profile is complete, you must schedule your exam at least one hour before the chosen time. You will have three weeks to schedule and complete your exam, after which you will no longer be able to access it.

Phase 4 – Taking the exam
Before beginning your exam, you will be guided through a series of steps. The first screen provides an overview of the EXIN Anywhere Exams Online service, including a four-step breakdown of the process and requirements, as well as access to terms and conditions and privacy statements. It is mandatory to test your system configuration by clicking the "test your configuration" button and confirming that you meet the system requirements before proceeding. Next, visit the exams dashboard to view your exam and connect with the proctor. The remaining steps of the examination process are presented in seven sequential steps. Start with step 1, Confirmation of personal data, and click the "Next" button to connect to the PSI examination environment, which may take 5-20 seconds. No additional software is required to take the exam, but you will need to install a Chrome Extension for connecting with the proctor. Finally, enter your exam code and wait until you are connected with your proctor to begin your exam.

Upon validation of your exam code will have to:

  • Show your photo ID
  • Confirm that you understand the exam rules
  • Show your exam environment to the proctor

The exam will open in Question Mark. Click on the green arrow to start.



Vouchers are issued with 12 months validity. EXIN gives the possibility to extend the voucher validity with no surcharge. For further information on the extension of the online exam voucher, please contact us.



Candidates are entitled to cancel their EXIN Anywhere Examination registration within 14 days of making the registration by rescinding the agreement without providing any explanation. To exercise this cancellation right, candidates must contact EXIN. Alternatively, they may cancel their registration through the Candidate Portal in the case of an EXIN Anywhere Examination.