EXIN Privacy and Data Protection Foundation exam
EXIN Privacy and Data Protection Foundation exam online exam provided by iLEARN Innovative Learning
EXIN Privacy & Data Protection Foundation covers the main subjects related to the protection of personal data. Candidates benefit from a certification that is designed to impart all the required knowledge to help ensure compliancy to the General Data Protection Regulation.
- Duration of 1 hour
- 40 multiple choice questions
- Pass mark: 65%
- Closed book
For more information about technical requirements and online exam procedure, please click here.
- Understand the General Data Protection Regulation requirements and the fundamental principles of privacy
- Understand the obligations, roles and responsibilities of the Data Protection Officer
- Understand the concepts, approaches, methods and techniques to effectively participate in the implementation process of a compliance framework with regard to the protection of personal data
Who it is aimed at
Privacy & Data Protection Foundation is designed for all staff who need to have an understanding of data protection and the European legal requirements as defined in the GDPR. This makes it ideal for data protection officers, privacy officers, legal/compliance officers, security officers or business continuity managers.
EXIN Privacy & Data Protection Foundation Certification is best suited for:
- Data Protection Officer
- Privacy Officer
- Legal Officer / Compliance Officer
- Security Officer
- Business Continuity Manager
There are no formal prerequisites for the EXIN Privacy & Data Protection Foundation exam.
Exam type
Certificate type
Exam language
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