Comptia Network+ N10-008 exam objectives

In this file you will find useful information about the CompTIA Network+ (N10-008) certification exam objectives. This exam will certify the successful candidate has the knowledge and skills required to:

  • Establish network connectivity by deploying wired and wireless devices
  • Understand and maintain network documentation
  • Understand the purpose of network services
  • Understand basic datacenter, cloud, and virtual networking concepts
  • Monitor network activity, identifying performance and availability issues
  • Implement network hardening techniques
  • Manage, configure, and troubleshoot network infrastructure

If you are interested in our CompTIA Network+ courses and exams, please visit the following pages:

File Name: comptia-network-n10-008-exam-objectives.pdf
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Created Date: 07-18-2022
Last Updated Date: 10-19-2022